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I now pronounce you Chuck & Larry

Can I say "Holly Crap" in a blog and not offend anyone. Hope so!
Well I laughed my ass off! I know this has a gay overtone to it, but come on. If you still have a problem with this topic, it's time to get into the 2oth century. I'm married have two kids, and it doesn't bother me what others do! But I couldn't stop laughing at the sterotypes that this movie played off of.
Sandler and James pull off a great date movie that gives you enough laughs to have a feal good fealing at the end. From the producers of American Pie, but with any of the trade mark gags, Chuck & Larry is a must see.

Jessica Beal, Well she appeals to pretty much any guy and looks great in the "CAT suit".

Rated: 5 kernels of 5

Rent or Buy rating: I'd say rent for sure, i'm not sure if I'd need this on my shelf.. must watch again to see if it's as funny as the first time.

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