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We encourage you to post your thoughts about the movie below. If you loved it or hated it we would love to know!


Plot Line: Two people, a man and a woman wake to find themselves in captivity in a dark dank, and grimmly dim cellar. Their captor works extremely hard to drive them crazy.

I didn't expect anything from this movie or Elisha Cuthbert. I was just looking for my Horror Thriller fix on a boring tuesday night. "Garbage night"

After taking out the garbage I sat down, expecting a garage film, it didn't turn out to be the best movie ever but at least it didn't stink to high heavens.

I've always loved seeing females in movie or television kick ass, and this delivers a bit of that, which i'm missing since Alias went off the air.

I didn't hate it, It was somewhat likeable.. could be I watched this after "I know who killed me", but this was the highlite of a otherwise crappy night!

Rateing 3 Kernels out of 5
Rent or Buy: Rent

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